Water Features and Rain Gardens
Superior Surroundings designs and constructs picturesque natural stone water features, as well as environmentally friendly rain gardens and rain harvesting systems.
Water Features add a dramatic addition to any landscape. Water provides movement, soothing sounds and beauty in a variety of spectacular designs that compliment your existing landscape. Superior Surroundings can add rock lined streams and ponds, waterfalls, bubblers and fountains.
Rain Gardens are created by simply diverting rainwater from gutters and downspouts directly to a planting bed that acts like a sponge and naturally filters the water. This helps to reduce the amounts of water that can become polluted on its journey into storm drains and ultimately, rivers and streams.
Rain Harvesting is another method of encouraging environment consciousness where rain water is diverted from downspouts to rain barrels or similar storage reservoirs to be used in watering plants and gardens.